Hello All,



A Rally with a Difference — 
the International Round Kurland Rally to celebrate 100 years of the State of Latvia in 2018!

Following a successful 2017 event in Vidzeme it has been decided that year 2018 (instead of 2019) would be chosen for another Kurland Rally changing the current bi-annual tradition. Another good excuse for the change is the 100th anniversary of the State of Latvia which next year will be celebrated at home and all around the world. Latvia will present the best it can offer in culture, lifestyle and innovation. There is more about the anniversary celebrations on the centenary website: http://www.lv100.lv/en/about/

The International Round Kurland Rally in Latvia has been organized since 2003 and it has seen different parts of Kurland - Latvia’s Western-most region. The format has changed over the years from timed runs to untimed touring event with good standard of accommodation, good food, excellent and cheap beer, interesting routes along the Baltic coast, old German and Livonian castles, manor houses and very beautiful countryside. Latvia is mostly flatland with very few hills and no mountains, so even the oldest motorcycles can cope with our roads with comparative ease. The distance of the Kurland Rally is usually around 500 kilometres that is covered in 4 days of which 3 are the riding days and the first day is for getting acquainted with other participants and the surroundings.

The 2018 Kurland Rally will again be visiting Vidzeme or Midlands in English. It actually is North Latvia. http://www.latvia.travel/en/article/north-latvia-vidzeme The Road Run routes will be different from previous years, visiting and seeing new places of interest en route as well as exploring a different region of Latvia, but with the same format and tradition that has become the tradition of the Kurland Rally.  

The Rally will be held from 12th – 15th July and the registration desk and 1st night accommodation will be at hotel “SIGULDA” in picturesque Sigulda town, just like last in year’s rally. http://www.latvia.travel/en/city/sigulda-8  However two other nights will be spent in other guest houses and hotels en route. 




The trailers and service vehicles will be left at Hotel SIGULDA for the duration of the event. 

Due to the limitations of accommodation the number of participating motorcycles at the 2018 Kurland Rally will be limited to 60.

Only motorcycles produced before 1979 will be eligible to enter the Rally. Older pre-war motorcycles will have a priority.

There will be an adequate back-up and technical assistance truck “sweeping” the route from behind and also other cars, baggage vans and a passenger bus assisting with Rally logistics en route.

The Rally Entry Deadline will be 30th March, 2018. The Deadline for all Rally Fees will be 13th April, due to the hotel booking requirements.

We have had motorcycles delivered to Latvia from abroad with the participants flying in and there was a special pre- and post-Rally hotel in Riga (Hotel SKANSTE), where the participants could have a rest before and after the rally. This will also be available in 2018.  

Latvia has several seaports, which are connected to ports in Germany, Poland and Scandinavia by regular ferry lines. All these ferries welcome motorcycles on board. Should you need assistance with planning your route to Latvia, please get in touch.


e-mail contact address: ramoto1992@gmail.com

Postal address: Juris Ramba,
Kurland Rally Entry Secretary, Lapu str. 10, Ogre LV-5001, LATVIA. Tel./Fax: (+371) 65071334





I am writing these lines before the Midsummer Feast in Latvia. The Rally preparations have entered the last stage and the air is filled with great expectations for another interesting Motorcycle Rally. Interesting because we are going to enter new ground – Vidzeme, which can be described as a different region to Kurzeme.

Consequently the Kurland Rally has acquired a new meaning of exploring new ground in Latvia -- further every time. The first Kurland Rally was organized back in 2003 and the event so far has seen most parts of Kurland, hence it now goes to the Midlands of Latvia.

The new route traditionally has been laid out visiting castles, palaces and manor houses of the region along with visits to towns and places of interest in Vidzeme.

A venue has been chosen for a Group Photograph with riders and their motorcycles against a historically important place as a backdrop -- this has become a regular feature of the rally, adding another beautiful photograph to the collection.

Several road sections on our route will be under maintenance and we will have to ride on the white country roads as well to reach our destinations, but only for a few kilometres. Please take utmost care and ride carefully on these roads, keeping a good distance from the front rider to let the dust settle.

Road and rider safety will be a priority in this rally. The riders of more modern motorcycles – please do not steal the breaking distance of the older motorcycles by overtaking and cutting in in front of them. Please do not “hang at the tail” of the older machines as their engines can sometimes seize or the pistons can nip up in their engines most unexpectedly and an imminent crash is possible. Please remember that prevention is always better than cure.

The older pre-war motorcycles are always welcome at our rally and it is only natural that we should respect their age and technical limitations.

Let me wish to all the participants a safe journey to Sigulda in July.
My mobile phone number if you need any assistance while in Latvia is

+ 371 29255601.

Yours in motorcycling,


